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Our quality policy

Pigment web agency aims to deliver high-quality solutions that meet and exceed our customers’ expectations. By focusing on creativity, innovation, and technical excellence, we strive to create websites and services that are not only functional and aesthetically appealing but also secure and user-friendly.

Pigment web agency is committed to continuously improving our processes, competencies, and service delivery. We will identify areas for improvement and implement measures to increase our efficiency, quality, and customer satisfaction. We will regularly evaluate our results and make necessary changes.


Monitoring and evaluation

We conduct regular monitoring and evaluations of our projects to assess if they meet our quality standards and customer expectations. The monitoring process includes reviewing project progress, timelines, and quality objectives.

Handling of deviations

If a deviation or non-compliance is identified, it is immediately identified and documented. We determine the cause of the deviation and take necessary actions to correct the problem and ensure it does not occur again.

Improvement measures

In addition to the management team continuously working on improvement suggestions, we encourage all our employees to actively propose improvements in our processes, work methods, and project execution. All improvement suggestions are collected, evaluated, and implemented if they are deemed beneficial to quality and efficiency.

Measurement and performance monitoring

We use key indicators and measurable goals to monitor performance and quality in our projects and processes. The measurements are used to evaluate our success and identify areas that require improvement.

Training and competence development

We invest in the training and competence development of our employees to ensure they are updated with the latest trends and technologies in web development and design.

Customer feedback

We collect feedback from our customers and use this feedback to improve our services and processes. We have open and continuous communication with our customers to ensure their needs and expectations are met.

By following these quality management procedures, Pigment Web Agency aims to ensure high-quality results and continuous improvement in our work and services.

Quality Manager
Mikael Svesson

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