Investing in a better future
Areim is an independent Nordic fund manager and property owner offering fund management, property development, and advisory services. Areim puts people first, embraces challenges, and acts with integrity in everything they do. They are goal-oriented and driven individuals who collaborate on all the opportunities they undertake.

Improving tomorrow
Sustainability is close to Areim’s heart and their mission is to make the world a better place for future generations. Their sustainability strategy is integrated into everything they do and aligns with their business goals: to deliver value to all stakeholders by balancing strong financial performance with sustainable development. Areim wants to do the best for tomorrow, not just for today.
Areim embraces challenges and acts with integrity in everything they do

Focus on the team

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Playful design and colors

Multilingual website

Responsive design
Support for video

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Ring honom på 070-953 53 99, eller maila