Origo Group - a leading insight and investigative companies that find out everything
When Origo Group contacted Pigment Webbyrå, they needed to upgrade their website. With the logo and color profile in hand, we were tasked with developing a new UX/UI design. A creative and fun journey that resulted in a website with many nice functions and animations.

A website for insights and decision-making
Origo Group, a leading insight and research company, aims to simplify complex decisions and provide decision makers with insights. The website we built highlights the breadth of Origo Group’s various research areas and services. Among other things, news, cases, webinars and downloadable guides. Together with Origo Group, we have created a place where the visitor can explore their services and discover how technology and decisions can take a business to the next level.

A mix of bank clerk and hipster

Everything to increase knowledge

Playfulness in color and shape

Fonts that create contrast

Responsive design

Do you also want to work with professionals?
Sergio would like to meet you if possible.
Call him at +46 70 953 53 99, or email sergio@pigment.se